Last year, I turned 64. While that may sound like a long time, it feels like the years have flown by. I often wonder where all that time has gone. A couple of years ago, I started thinking seriously about retirement—not so much in terms of finances, as I have that aspect under control, but more about how I would spend my time. Of course, financial security is important, but I was more concerned with finding meaningful activities to fill my days.

You often hear stories about people who dedicate 30 or more years to their jobs, retire, and then either pass away soon after or return to work out of boredom or necessity. Between those two options, I’d definitely choose to work again. But ideally, I don’t want to do either—I’m not trying to live forever, but I do want to experience a fulfilling retirement. To make that happen, I need to find activities that I truly enjoy. (Fitting, since “ENJOY” is part of this blog’s title.) While I’m grateful for 46 years of steady employment, I can’t say I’ve always loved it. So, what now? I still appreciate many of the pastimes I’ve enjoyed over the years—art, music, and books—but as I move into retirement, I plan to take my passion for two of them, music and books, even further.

The first area I’m expanding is books—not just reading them, but writing them. And so far, I have to say, I’m really enjoying the process. I’m well on my way to completing my first book and have learned so much about writing along the way. I started out using a method known as “pantsing,” which means writing without a detailed plan—just letting the ideas flow as they come. My first chapter was written this way, and as I worked, new ideas emerged. Some were related to the current story, while others inspired entirely new ones, leading me to envision a whole series featuring the same character(s) in different situations. In addition to writing books, I’ve also started this blog for three main reasons: to improve my writing skills, to share my process with other new writers, and to post book reviews.

The second passion I’m revisiting is music. I’ve been an avid listener since I was about eight years old, and even now, I have music playing most of the time. In high school, I played drums in the marching band, and my dad even bought me a used drum set from my instructor. Unfortunately, I stopped playing after graduation—a decision I’ve always regretted. So, what am I doing now to keep myself engaged in retirement? I’m glad you asked—I’ve picked up an electric guitar and hope to learn well enough to play at my church.

Of course, I know my days won’t be filled entirely with hobbies—there will always be responsibilities to take care of. But I’m preparing for “Part Three” of my life, making sure it’s filled with purpose and enjoyment. What about you? Are you still far from retirement, or is it right around the corner? Have you thought about what your retirement will look like? Even if it seems distant now, time has a way of sneaking up on you—so it’s best to be prepared.

Take care, and make the most of your life.

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By Brad

US Navy Veteran, Interstate Truck Driver and Some-time Writer. Enjoys music, movies, drawing and painting.