About the Author
I love books and have for most of my life. I will read just about anything that catches my eye; Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography, History, Westerns, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery. The names of some of my favorite authors are as diverse as their works: King, Chandler, Grisham, Baldacci, L’Amour, McCaffrey, Clancy, Stevenson, Twain, and Griffin. As I start my first book, I wonder if I have what it takes. These authors had/have such incredible talent and worked at their craft for most of their lives. Could I write works such as theirs? A few years ago I thought I would take a stab at it, I didn’t make it very far into the process before I stopped. I now believe that I lacked the staying power to finish what I started. I still have those beginnings stashed away on a hard drive somewhere, waiting to see if I will finish what I started all those years ago. I’m pretty sure that they are covered in dust an inch or two thick. Now here I am back at it, slaving away at this keyboard, writing this “About the Author” statement.
Why am I writing this statement, building a Blog site you ask? Am I just bored or is there a deeper purpose, a “meaning” to it all, YES there is. I’m doing these things for what I will call my “Mission Statement”. My reasons are as follows:
- I wish to convey to you the reader, the steps I took to create a story and its characters
- I wish to improve my writing skills
- I wish to update my progress to you the reader and promote my stories when complete
During the writing process, I will be learning how to become a better writer, improving my skills, and improving my research techniques.
So far, I have been enjoying the process. It seems that I may have developed the staying power I need to complete this task. I have been working on my first book for about two months now, a lot longer than my last attempt. I’ve completed a decent first chapter, “By the seat of my pants”. I’ve had to slow that process down because I find that I would do better with an outline. So taking the recommendation of a coach, I’m writing by hand an outline in ink. I’ve got to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this, except for the writer’s cramp. I hope this continues for the rest of the time I write (Well, maybe not the writer’s cramp).
I occasionally will bring up some of the other pursuits that I do to help me “Enjoy Life”. My other interests are drawing in pencil and ink, dabbling in a little watercolor painting and I enjoy pointing a camera at landscapes and old buildings. I listen to music and watch a lot of movies (when I can). I may discuss these occasionally. If they do not interest you, look around, I’m sure, that as this site grows you will find something that does.
Thank you for checking out my Blog. I hope that you will return again and again. If you enjoy it, please share this site with like-minded friends and relatives. Now, go forth and Write, Read & Enjoy Life.
Thank you very much and please do come back.
Bradley Matthews
Jan 2025

If you would like to contact me with any thoughts, concerns, or whatever turns your fancy please send an email to [email protected] or use the form below: